XI Congreso Nacional de ALCONPAT México (2024)
Antena RF para la evaluación de materiales porosos, E. Téllez, A. Villarreal y S. Solís-Nájera*
video de la participación en el congreso

Presentación del día 12 de septiembre 2024
XVIII Simposio Mexicano de Fisica Médica
XVIII Mexican Symposium on Medical Physics
Noise factor in a chain mail birdcage coil for enhanced preclinical MRI at 7 Tesla
2024 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition
04-09 May 2024, Singapore
Travelling wave MRI with parallel-plate waveguide loaded with a metamaterial at 7 T
B1 uniformity improvement of a birdcage coil with a chain mail configuration
2024 Book of Abstracts ESMRMB 2024
Online 40th Annual Scientific Meeting 2–5 October 2024. Magn Reson Mater Phy 37 (Suppl 1), 1–781 (2024). Publicado 28 de Septiembre.
Comparative analysis for two metamaterial locations to enhance traveling wave MRI at 7 Tesla (pag. 626)
Performance enhancement of a chain-mail birdcage coil with a flexible metasurface for preclinical MRI at 7 T (par. 639)
2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition:
Program number: 3909
Title: Remote detection MRI using a flexible non-selective metamaterial at 7 T
Program number: 3737
Title: B1 improvement of a birdcage coil using a flexible metamaterials at 7 T
Program number: 4085
Title: Enhancing performance of a bio-inspired surface coil wtih a flexible metasurface for preclinical MRI at 7 T
XVII Mexican Symposium on Medical Physics (2022)
Electromyographic analysis of leg and thigh muscles with major activation after exercise Randy Brandon Gallegos RodriguezLuis Manuel Jiménez SamaniegoCarla Villanueva MedranoDalia Yvette Domínguez JiménezSergio Enrique Solís Nájera. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0164270 (–>)
Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC) 2021
Experimental Radiation Patterns of a Slotted Surface Coil and Parallel-plate Waveguide for travelling-wave MRI at 7 T and 11.7 T
S5.P1. Theoretical validation of simulated B1 for a cavity resonator at 300 MHz (–>)
S5.P2. Analytical model and experimental validation of birdcage coil B1 at high frequency (–>)
S5.P3. Numerical study of magnetic field improvement for a volume resonator at 7 Tesla (–>)
XI International Congress of Physics Engineering (XI CIIF 2021)
Unmonitored Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging of rats at 7 T (–>)
ESMRMB 2020 Online
Experimental validation of B1 for remote excitation at 3 T (–>)
Numerical estimation of SAR for a circular slot surface coil at 11.7 T (–>)
Slotted end ring coil sensitivity experimentally validated at 4 T (–>)
XVI Mexican Symposium on Medical Physics (
Online, 2020)
Design and Building of a Phantom for the Recording of Internal Temperature in an
Ultra-Low Magnetic Field MR System (–>)
Development of Anatomical Phantoms for an Ultra-Low Field Magnetic Resonance
Imaging System (–>)
Modified Petal Resonator Surface Coil for UHF-MRI (–>)
Design of a Faraday Cage for Biomedical Measurements Based on Site Electromagnetic Field Mapping (–>)
X International Congress of Physics Engineering (2021)
N-AcetylLaspartic Acid Phantom for Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 1.5 T and 3 T (–>)
IX International Congress of Physics Engineering
Temperature determination of the pre-polarising process of an earth’s magnetic field MRI system (–>)
RF shield parallel-plate waveguide for travelling-wave MRI experiments at 3 T (–>)
Implementation of an ultrasonic tomograph for small specimens (–>)
Experimental Method for Visualizing RF Electromagnetic Waves (–>)
2018 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA)
Theoretical performance of a metamaterial-inspired antenna for MRI (–>)
Travelling-wave MRI for a small-bore imager at 15.2 T (–>)